Friday, June 10, 2011

bila turning point aku ?

aku nak cakap2 sikit jer nie..
Hlovate suka sangat cakap pasal TURNING POINT iaitu titik perubahan
seseorang itu dr buruk ke baik...
someone who close to me that buat turning point,
aku bilalah yee.. hehe..
ade org tanyer aku..
" eh , kau ada buat salah besar ke ? "

ak : " haish , x delah.. kenapa ? turning point kena tunggu kesalahan besar boleh buat ke ? aiyoyo.. x kiralah kesalahan kecil , ak nak jugak buat turning point..
x lah berada di takuk lama..


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hidup terlalu singkat untuk berduka sahaja =)

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lauren Martino - why i wants to fly ?

" the sky is the only place I feel truly free. All worries of the world are left beneath me, nothing can touch me in this ethereal realm. The clouds are my company, their shapes twisting and distorting as I gaze upon them. Everything is innocent. There are no looming buildings, winding streets or angry drivers to worry about. All thoughts of schoolwork and important exams drift back down to the earth below to be fussed over later. "

" One thing I love about airliners in particular is the immense feeling of power that rushes through my veins when the engines begin to roar, hurtling its cargo of passengers down the runway at an awesome speed. In my own seat, I feel as one with the plane, its beautiful choreography striking a note in my heart that cannot be replicated by anything else I have encountered in my life. "

" I feel no fear as I fly, unlike many people. I put my faith in the machine and the dedicated people who ensure that it gets to its destination safely. The whole process surrounding an aircraft is in itself like a well oiled machine. Every job relating to that flight is crucial, and every individual working in this process has a kind of responsibility placed upon their shoulders, and every action has to be executed with precision. It is because of this care that many flights fly safe and well each day."

"Why do I want to fly? Because I want to be part of this well oiled machine. I want to have a career in something that I love utterly, and I cannot think of anything else to do in life that would touch me as
much as flying does.""


dari skateboarders menjadi pilot....
dari tepi jalanan ke awan biru...
dengan keizinanNya,
semua benda boleh berlaku...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Prayer is a free call to Allah SWT, no network or battery problem, always a good signal & all messages are sent.
Tips: Agar mudah orang sayang, cuci hati dengan jaga ibadah, solat taubat, beristighfar, baca Al-Quran, maafkan orang lain, meminta maaf, bersedekah dan berfikiran positif.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I don't want to grew up. I don't want to be matured. I love who am I now. I love dolls and teddy bear. And I am not ready for lipsticks yet.
Saya rindu Benz Aliff dan Nur ADdin.
Saya rindu Great Troublemaker.
Never Imitate. Creaye

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

school breakkk ~ yipee ~ yihaaa ~

novel renyah ? study ? oh tidakkk~ nyah kamu dari sini. hehe.

school breakkk ! yipeee. ~
haduyai , setelah seminggu cuti sekolah, baru gua nyempat nak update blog berdebu nie.. ahaha..
benanya x g mana pun, masih di area besut..
tp bukan di rumah sendiri ,
tp di umah mak sedaraku di jabi ! hehe.
best gilakk stay umah diorang for a week ~
ada gak la manfaat ma and ayah pergi beijing time cuti nieyh..,
boleh main ngan sepupu2, tapi yg x tahannya, part ditinggalkan tu lah.. ==__==.
xpe2, asal ole2nya lumayan.. ahaha..

:D masa hari khamis minggu lepas,
memang mencatat sejarah r , when tok ayoh nge mak" nenek " ak
dtg ambil ak nun jauh kat tumpat ~
ahaha.. lawak rr, diorg memang kenyang rr makan buah "langsat" maso nok g tuh..
masa balik okay la sikit.., masa balik, pekena kuew tiaw yom yam pulak..,
memang favourite ak.. hehe apa salahnya kan,
bukan selalu dpt rasa duit tok ayoh.. ahahahahah..

pastu, balik tu, terus ke umah ayah teh ~
kecoh giler umah diorang.. hehe..
memang beza r ngan umah ak.. , yang
hanya 3 je penghuninya..
rindu lak nak dengar nazurah nyanyi lagu
"bangun pagi, lipat kain selimut, ambik tuala , g mandi bla bla bla" .
hehe. memang petah sungguh bdak tu bercakap. ahaha..
byk benda gak wat kat umah ayah teh. haha.
ayah teh dh buat badminton court kat blkg umah dier..,
petg2 mmg syok main..
yerlaa., lama x turun riadah masa kat 24,
nie dpt exercise.., happy molek ~ ahaha..

apa lagi yerp ~ . ahakz .
tu baru citer kat sini. citer kat 24 belum lagi tu.

gmbr akan diupload kemudian. nie saja jeer gatal nak menulis. ehehehhehe.

nak buat apa lam cuti ni yerp ~
bersempena cuti ini,, secara rasminya , saya Nurul Shahizzat akan melaksanakan banyak kerja2 yang tak berfaedah bagi memenuhi ruang waktu yang ada. ahaha. JK.

sy nak donload thriumph in the skies,
nk baca contengan jalanan,
nak donlod danny the menace for my cousin2 ku yang kecik2,
and banyak benda lagieyh ~

kerja umah ?
malam sabtu 11 hari bulan 6 kot ?