Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mencuba menerima ketentuan dengan hati terbuka =)

You did not come to this life with your own will. Also, will not leave this world with your own will. Then why live a life according to your will? A muslim is he who submits himself to the will of Allah S.W.T. 

Everyone. Whether you and me or them. All of us have our own dream to achieve in the future. We want to reach for the stars and yet be the brightest star after all. However, not every dream can be fulfilled. Sometimes, we do not get what we want. Allah S.W.T give something which we never ever think about it. But deeply in our heart, we must trust Him that He has the best plan for us. 

Semoga kita semua gagah, berani, sabar, redha, gigih dan tawakal dalam mengharungi jalan-jalan hidup yang telah ditetapkan untuk kita. 

Terimalah semua ketentuan dengan hati yang terbuka. 
Walaupun ada yang mencebik, dan ada yang memandang enteng, yakinlah selepas malam, terbitlah siang dan lepas hujan, muncullah pelangi. 

Jom berusaha mengejar pelangi itu! =D 

p/s : Esok InsyaAllah akan berjaulah ke sebelah selatan Malaysia. Doakan perjalanan kami selamat. Amin.