Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Assalamualaikum. Peace be upon you.
 lately, mmg sibuk working on my bro punya pertunangan and family gathering yang akan berakhirnya pada pagi esok.
Alhamdulillah. With God's will.
Abg saya dah selamat menjadi tunang orang. And takda pape la yang boleh I ucapkan except selamat bertunang and I hope that 27 is the best time for you to be owned by someone. The girl is from Perak and she is working at Pejabat Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu. This office is located onlyat Kuala Lumpur. Tiada cawangan lain so she have to work in KL. No choice. Tapi takpela.
Apa-apa jer yang Allah tetapkan tu lah yang terbaik.


Anonymous said...

congratulations to your brother :)

eienni said...

congrats~ mind to follow back? XD