Heyya ~ Good Night Malaysia . Well, it's been a long time since the last time I updated this ugly blog. Recently, I just returned home from Johore after going there for several days. My beloved sister had got an offer to be one of the teacher at Sek. Men. Keb. Bandar Mas. She started his career at 24. On her FIRST day, she already got many
huge responsibilities to manage with. She has given a big hope from the principal to be a good :
- Penyelaras pentaksiran menengah rendah
- Penyelaras skim tusyen felda
-Ketua panitia fizik
-Guru fizik kelas form 4 dan form 5
- Guru bahasa Inggeris form 1 ( 3 kelas )
-Guru tuisyen fizik
- dan jeng3 .. guru PJK..
Wow ! So many things to handle la bro. hehe. anyway, I know u can do it !

So go go Shahida Ma'ajih! Do the best ! Be the best ! May u be one of da most dedicated teacher of da year! I <3>