Monday, April 29, 2013

Think positive ^^, (in every situation)

Note : To me myself. 

Bila rasa bosan di rumah, bersyukurlah sebab kamu bkn berada di luar, membuat maksiat bersama minah-minah rempit dan mat-mat rempit. 

Bila diri senang melakukan perkara baek, bersyukurlah sebab ko bukan golongan yang sedang beristiqamah melakukan dosa. 

Bila rasa demam biasa2 or kene selsema, bersyukurlah sebab x kene penyakit berat@berbahaya yang memerlukan menelan seberapa banyak "candies" hari-hari. 

Bila rasa bosan dengan usrah(sometimes), bersyukurlah sebab Allah pilih engkau dripada ramai-ramai girl di luar sana untuk sit down dan mengingatiNya. 

Bila berkasih sayang munchy lovey dovey dengan keluarga, bersyukurlah sebab ko bukan dilahirkan dari ibu bapa yang lebih bermesraan dengan duit dan harta benda. 

Bila tubuh badan kau sihat walafiat, bersyukurlah kerana kau bukan salah seorang yang addicted to "cancer stick" dan x pernah terjebak dengannya. 

Bila rasa engkau sedikit diuji, bersyukurlah sebab kau tak kene ujian berat2, seperti mereka yang kekadang menelan pil tidur just to find solace and tried hard to run away from reality. 

Walaubagaimanapun keadaan yang mendatang, 

 bila rasa diri dilanda calamities dan ujian yang maximum, 
peganglah nadi kau 

TalkingKeyboard : Saya tahu ia bukan senang. Tapi ia juga bukan mustahil. InsyaAllah. 

May Allah bless.

Shopaholic. Puncanya??

Assalamualaikum ^^, 

Sedikit info from Entri Jameela pada hari nieee : 

Dua sebab kenapa perempuan nie mostly "shopaholic". 

1. Kerana mereka merasakan kekurangan sesuatu . Dan mereka cuba mencari-cari sesuatu yang boleh melengkapkan kekurangan itu. 

2. Pengubat stress. Biasela pompuan kalau stress2 , pergi shopping salah satunya satu cara untuk get rid stress tu. Kekadang, window shopping pun x pe. Asal boleh jejak mall tu, pun dah kira okay! 

NotaTangan : Shoplah sebanyak mana pun, asal barang itu dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya! 
Jangan membazir sudaa ^^, 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Solution for all problems.

Rooftop girl.

One of my wishlist = Being a rooftop girl. 
Teringin sangat. 
Suatu hari nanti
stay at the rooftop. 
All Alone. 
Without anyone and nobody cares. 
And see the world like my eyes wants to see. 


Slow-Slow boleh tak?

Ehem Ehem. 
To all gegegirl yang dalam on the way untuk berubah, 
one thing yang aku ingin nasihat is jangan berubah secara mendadak. 
jangan buat sesuatu keputusan tu dalam keadaan marah atau dalam keadaan menangis. 
because the result will not be good. 

Macam aku dulu, 
masa nak buang karat2 jahiliah, 
aku tetibe STOP terus daripada baca novel cintan cintun yang tidak langsung menambahkan Iman. 
tapi last sekali, 
waktu freetime, aku ambik jer novel siap baca dan beli lagi. 

Ingat All, 
manusia nie fitrah dia tak boleh berubah scra mendadak. sebab nanti bila dia fed up
dia akan buat balik.
so lebih baek buat slow slow.

bak kata pepatah, 

barulah kesannya berpanjangan. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

KMK ? apekah itu ?

Selepas siap buat international passport, 
p pekena air jambu kejap. 
Balik umah. 
Bukak laptop. 
Bukak facebook.
Bukak page Halatuju Pendidikan Selepas SPM. 
Dapat link. 
Bukak webpage Matrik. 

Aku dapat Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka!
Syukur nikmat Tuhan sebab dapat placement. 
Syukur sebab out of hundred thousand students, 
Dia pilih aku jugak sebagai salah seorang. 
Syukur sebab dalam tiga pilihan tu, Allah
bagi Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka. 
Mungkin tempat tu the best of the best berbanding dua lagi. 

And yang paling happynya, 
Ain dapat situ juugak!
Alhamdulillahh =) 

Kita orang berpisah semasa tingktan 4, 
dia ke MRSM PC dan aku ke MRSM Tumpat. 

Kalau ada rezeki lagi, mungkin berjumpa lagi di KMK.

Namun, aku still hope for the best for
and lastly UPU. 

Before end, 
bukak Surah Al Hadid ayat 22 dan 23. 
Sangat Sweet <3 p="">

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Life = skateboard

Life is like playing skateboards. If you practise several times and focus while doing it, you will have a perfectly stylish motion and landed safely. But if you don't, you know what will happen. 

Aku tak dapat interview.

Holla people! Assalamualaikum to all pak cik mak cik boboboi gigirl yang sempat menyinggah.

Tengok title dah tahu aku nak cakap apa. Aku tak dapat interview UM. Aku pun tak tahu kenape. Tapi rezeki dah takda, so x boleh nak argue. Lagipun, aku letak pilihan yang kelima. Mungkin dia pick people yang letak pilihan pertama, kedua or ketiga.

At first, sedih tahap dewa. Seriously. Aku tenung result yang keluar.

"Dukacita anda tidak berjaya"

Lepas itu, aku bukak repeated times. Petang dan malam. Tapi result tetap sama.Aku pun tak tau nak buat apa. Sedih. 

Anyway, aku tetap bersyukur aku tak dapat UM walaupun sebenarnya aku nak.Mungkin sorrounding Um tidak suits ngan aku and sebab aku tahu Allah pasti ada plan yang lebih baik buat hambanya ini. So tak guna nak sedih-sedih.Tak guna nak murung. It won't change the fate, my dear.We know that setiap apa yang Dia tetapkan ada hikmahnya. 

Keep praying. 
Good things come for those who wait. 

Turning point.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The ups and down of life .

The up and down of life. Roller coaster. Roller ride. or whatever. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Depression and Solution.

Meanwhile in Jakarta...,
A doctor with an attractive body shape, a flawless yet reddish skin and with spectacles attached on her face sat in a corner in front of the labour room. It was the second day she was working there after she received an instruction from her lecturer to do the practical there. At the hospital which the name she had never heard.

She looked at the white marble floors. All of a sudden, a tears rolled down on her white cheeks showed that she was under a depressed condition. One of her major problems is she is working with a doctor which mainly the people from Jakarta. With the accents that is hard to understand and the attitude that sometimes she can't stand with.

There were a few times where she had been scolded by a well-experienced doctor as she had late come to the hospital. This was due to her Jakarta friends did'nt told her about the change in the schedule. Her friends was like to stab her from her back. Yeah. She knew it. Her friends and she, herself were fighting to each other to be the best and score high marks in the practical so that their job will be guaranteed in the future.

Due to the fighting spirits among of them, she can't do her job very well. Sometimes, she came too late and she always missed from getting any important information, which are very important for her job. She's stressed. She wanted her Malaysian friends to come and work with her. But she know she can't. Her Malaysian friends was ordered to work in another section, majorly in Pediatric Section.

So, she took out her phone. Quickly, she messaged her beloved sister in Malaysia. She poured out all her problems to her and tried to release out all the tension she got there. However, the sister only replied..

"Dan sungguh,Kami benar-benar akan menguji kamu sehingga Kami mengetahui orang-orang yang benar-benar berjihad dan bersabar di antara kamu, dan akan Kami uji perihal kamu." 47:31

Surely, with difficulties is ease. 

She stared at the message, tried to understand it. Suddenly, she grinned widely. She stood up and walked to the labour room with a full of spirit! With a new resolution, she wanted to do every single job only for Allah S.W.T. So that, she will not be affected by any obstacles and difficulties. May Allah bless..

p/s : A short story just to improve my English =). heheeee 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Ok. Tinggal dua hari je lagi before Mara officially announced the students who had been selected for the interview. Seriously, it makes me worried as there are a lot competition among the bright students. Takut jugakla terjadi macam tahun-tahun lepas where ada bright students yang tak dapat offer biasiswa. As family aku nie sederhana jah, so yeah memang aku membutuhkanla biasiswa tu. Lepas itu, ayah aku pulak dah pencen. So lagi lah biasiswa tu mcm golden which yang aku kena masukkan dalam jackpot aku. HAHA.

My mom had been lectured me supaya prepare awal awal for the interview. I nodded in front of her. But my heart said NO. Aku tak akan prepare for the interview until I am truly called for the interview. Aku dah letih aww kekadang berharap pada benda yang tak pasti. Like what had happened to me last 4 years. Masa form 1 dulu, aku memang nak nak nak sangat masuk Mara. sampai aku tolak offer Imtiaz. And bila tahu permintaan aku ditolak. memang nanges x habesla. masa itu, kecik kan, x reti ape lagi nanges jer lah tahu. My siblings kept on advising me to be more patience as this is only a test from God. So I sabar. I wait. Aku tunggu sampai fourth intake. Mara tak accept2 aku. Hadeh. Result dah cemerlang tapi nak masuk mara masa tu x boleh. Frust.

Haha. Tapi takpe, masuk Tengku Mahmud Cluster School is hella fun. Exciting! Bersyukurlah kepada Allah because He put me there. Dapat jugaklah kecap 8A . Peaceee! Bila masuk form 4, mintak lagi Mara.
Tapi God has a better plan. First intake and second intake semua aku Fail. HAHA. Aku dapat masuk intake ketiga, the end of March. haha. lewat semacam. anyway, xpe2. asal impian tercapai sudah.. tapi nak cakap susahnya peluang Mara nie.. seriously susah for me la. tapi for my siblings, sekali mintak jer dah dapat tak payah rayuan2 ke second intake ke . NO. hadesshhh, ke Mara nie ada simpan dendam dengan anak bongsu? hahahah just kidding.

and the day after tomorrow, for the third time aku request ngan MARA. fuhhh.. berpeluh keringat aku waktu nak apply harituh... cuak + takut , takut tragedi macam dulu berulang lagi. Seriously. tak boleh masuk mara masa dulu are very hurts. sedih dan mmg takat frust menonggengggg laaa.. so please Allah.. dah x nak rasa perasaan tu dah. SAkit. Ouchhh *.

Sekian. Hope for the best for the day after tomorrow.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Untuk MencintaiMu..

Apa yang harus aku lakukan..
untuk membuat ku mencintaiMu selalu..
segala-galanya telah Kau berikan untukku...

Apa yang harus aku lakukan...
untuk membuat ku menyayangiMu selalu..
Inilah aku hamba yang selalu alpa padaMu..

karna aku mencintaiMu
dan hatiku hanya untukMu
takkan menyerah..
takkan berhenti

Ku berjuang dalam hidupku..
Untuk selalu mendekatiMu..
Seumur hidupku..
Setulus hatiku..
Hanya untukmu..

Karna aku mencintaiMu
karna hatiku hanya untukMu
Takkan menyerah..
Takkan berhenti

Ku berjuang dalam hidupku...
Untuk selalu mendekatiMu.
Seumur hidupku.
Setulus hatiku.
Hanya UntukMu

Seumur hidupKu, Setulus Hatiku...

Ya Allah please show me the right way. Forever and always. 
I need you for the rest of my life, here and hereafter. 

9.28 pm. 

Biro Puteri Mrsm Tumpat. (post ini teramat panjang)

Assalamualaikum ya habibi ya maulana ya ukhti ya usrati =)

Last yesternight, my cousin came to my house. She sleptover here so that I can teach her some particular subject that she can't understand in the lesson. Furthermore, she's SPM victim so I decided to help her. So that she grew up and be like me. Chewahhh ~ Koya sikit di situ. HEHE. So before sleeping last night, we had a talk on how my life was at Tumpat.And The story begins..